How Alti Forvaltning gained valuable insights with Winningtemp

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How Alti Forvaltning gained valuable insights with Winningtemp

Alti Forvaltning currently owns and manages around 45 shopping centers in Norway. They have experienced significant growth since their inception just over five years ago. With dozens of new employees each year, it became increasingly challenging to gain insight into employee satisfaction levels. Winningtemp eventually proved to solve this issue effectively!

Difficult to Get the Facts on the Table

According to Olve Røen, HR Manager at Alti Forvaltning, it has been crucial for the company to gather honest feedback from employees. Without knowledge of how the employees are doing, it is difficult to implement improvements. "We wanted to get feedback from our employees to have facts on the table rather than guessing about the organization's temperature." Many companies find it challenging to get the necessary overview. Without full anonymity, employees often moderate their feedback in conversations with managers and HR. This prevents the company from getting a complete picture of the real situation. With Winningtemp, you can have two-way anonymous conversations with employees, which promotes openness and dialogue. Anonymous personnel analyses also provide insights into employee satisfaction and engagement within the organization and its various departments.

Wanted to Evaluate Employee Satisfaction Continuously

The HR Manager of Alti Forvaltning explains that the organization evaluated several different providers when looking for a platform for employee feedback. They ultimately chose Winningtemp.

"We quickly became enthusiastic about Winningtemp's continuous pulse surveys on employee satisfaction. Ongoing evaluations are clearly better than annual measurements."

Overview of Satisfaction at Both Organizational and Departmental Levels

Larger organizations will usually get more valuable measurements if they interpret the results at different levels. Even if overall satisfaction is high in a large company, there can still be dissatisfaction at the departmental level, which can be challenging to detect without measuring satisfaction in each department. After implementing Winningtemp as a tool in their daily operations, Røen experienced a good overview of the temperature across the entire organization.

"Alti Forvaltning gained the necessary overview of overall satisfaction, but also divided by departments and shopping centers."

Focuses on Areas for Improvement

According to Røen, Alti Forvaltning closely monitors areas such as "leadership and work situation." They consider the eNPS question "how likely are you to recommend others to work at Alti Forvaltning?" important. But primarily, they use Winningtemp to gain an overview of areas for improvement at both organizational and departmental levels.

"We encourage both managers and employees to discuss different excerpts from the results. The aim is to reinforce what is going well while focusing on areas that can be improved."

Quickly Address Challenges – All Year Round

The HR Manager of Alti Forvaltning explains that the goal with the tool is for managers and employees to have the opportunity to adjust the course within their departments. At the same time, it is an important goal to further involve employees in issues related to their workday.

"The advantage of Winningtemp compared to more traditional tools is that we get continuous feedback throughout the year. This allows us to quickly address any challenges that arise and try to actively 'close the gaps.'"

Positive Response Among Employees

Olve Røen reports that the majority of employees and managers find Winningtemp to be a useful tool. It serves as a good supplement to employee conversations, safety rounds, and ongoing sparring between managers and employees. He elaborates:

"The response rate can vary somewhat, but on average, we have about 80% participation over a three-month period."

Today, Alti Forvaltning has approximately 190 active users of Winningtemp. This provides a lot of valuable information about satisfaction within the organization!

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