
5 shocking HR statistics you need to take care of now

Cecilia Holmblad
January 13, 2022
5 shocking HR statistics you need to take care of now

Suhail Mirza is a life coach, senior advisor, and an expert in workforce wellness. In a recent Lunch & Learn with Cecilia Holmblad at Winningtemp, Suhail highlighted concerning new statistics about the pandemic's impact on our wellbeing and what we could do to reverse this negative trend.

How are your people feeling and how are they managing the effects of the pandemic? Find out which statistics you need to be aware of and what you can do to turn these negative trends around.

Depression rates have increased by 28% during the pandemic

 According to a Meta-study by The Lancet where 204 countries answered, depression has increased by 28% during the past 18 months. The pandemic took a huge toll on our wellbeing.

So how can you shape wellbeing within your organisation? One solution is to openly talk about mental health. The only way to really know how your co-workers are feeling is to ask them and let them know that they are free to honestly express their feelings. Their workplace should be a safe place, where they can be open about their mental health.

In addition, consider your company policies. What impact do they have on your people? Are they positive and employee-centric? HR teams need to be aware of company policies, including any changes made to them, and incorporate them into strategies for bolstering employee wellbeing. 

60% of 18–34-year-olds have been negatively affected by the pandemic

60% of the millennial workforce has been negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Reasons might include loneliness, low engagement when working from home, or burnout from working too much.

There’s no simple solution to turn this trend around. But if you allow them to have a voice, and act on their feedback, you have a solid grounding to start from. Conduct pulse surveys and one-on-ones more often. Act fast on the feedback that they are giving you. By doing this, you not only demonstrate that you’re listening, but you also show that their opinions are important and valid. This way your young employees will feel more valued, which translates directly into greater engagement and productivity.

16 million people are considering leaving their jobs in the next 6 months in UK

What can you do to make sure your top talents stay at your company? You need to focus a little less on attracting talent and put more effort into retention. It doesn’t matter if you recruit top-tier talent if they want to leave soon after they arrive. If they are met with a toxic culture, they will leave your company eventually. 

The solution lies within how you’re shaping your company culture. It’s key to create a culture of trust and wellbeing, where people feel seen, heard and part of something larger than themselves. Above salary and benefits, it’s culture that separates companies when it comes to staff retention. It’s worth it to put in the effort to make your culture great, as this will motivate everyone not just to stay, but to be engaged too. 

£48 billion pounds — the shocking cost for employers who stand to lose staff 

If you don’t take care of your employees, the consequences will show up in your company’s bottom line. Not only is there a huge cost for each incident of staff turnover, but unhappy employees are unproductive, and negativity can spread throughout your teams.

The cost of the above statistic is staggering: if as many employees leave as say they plan to, the cost to UK employers would be around £48 billion pounds. Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your company.

54% of employees are on the brink of burnout 

Since the pandemic began, the line between work and free time has become blurred. We work more than ever. Most people do it because they feel under pressure to do so. It is this kind of negative stress that tends to grow within us enabling burnout to creep even closer.

The solution? Let your employees know that your company understands the importance of rest and recovery. Research shows that employees who take regular breaks during the workday become more productive and are at lower risk from negative stress. As a leader, you need to set an example. Talk about your weekend activities. Be the first one to take a lunch break. Only then will your employees understand that it is okay to hit the pause button, increasing their productivity so they can perform at their best.


Do you want to know more about how you can strengthen wellbeing in your company?

Get insights and advice on how to best serve your employees, read more about Winningtemp’s expert recommendations here.
Watch the full Lunch & Learn webinar with Suhail here.

HR Tech Evangelist på Winningtemp. En outtröttlig optimist med 13 års erfarenhet inom HR, fast övertygad om framgångsformeln: positiv medarbetarupplevelse = positiv kundupplevelse = (lönsam) tillväxt

About the author
Cecilia Holmblad

Fokuserer på mennesker

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