Press Release

Flex Applications and Winningtemp Initiate Collaboration

Date Published:
September 26, 2023
Flex Applications and Winningtemp Initiate Collaboration

How content are your employees, really? Taking control of employee well-being and engagement is more crucial than ever – yetit can easily become an administrative challenge. Now, Flex Applications is introducing an integration with Winningtemp that simplifies the daily life formanagers and HR personnel.


As an employer, how do you ensure that everyone feels motivated and engaged at work? And would they recommend your workplace to others? Winningtemp has developed an AI-based platform that sends out pulse surveys to employees on a weekly basis – a set of quick questions ontopics like job satisfaction, leadership, and team spirit. The answers are thencompiled and visualized in easily understandable graphs.


With thenew integration between Flex Applications and Winningtemp's platforms, the goalhas been to bring smoothness and overview to the next level – all achieved by making the results of surveys accessible in a digital dashboard for HR metrics,which is part of the Flex HRM personnel system. All that'srequired are a few quick button clicks.


Linda Tesell, Product Manager at FlexApplications, welcomes the partnership with Winningtemp:

– As more and more companies discover the benefits of using pulse surveys to engage and retain their employees, we are thrilled about collaborating with Winningtemp, a frontrunner in this field. At Flex Applications, our ambition is also to offer our customers everything they need for their HR work in one single comprehensive solution – and together with Winningtemp, we’re advancing in thatdirection.


Jacob Österberg, VP Corporate Development atWinningtemp, is also excited about the collaboration with Flex Applications:

– We're thrilled to showcase our remarkable partnership with Flex Applications! As a frontrunner in HRM, they possess an in nate understanding of customer needs –present and future. By merging Winningtemp's cutting-edge analyses with Flex Applications'rich personnel data, we empower HR leaders with an array of exciting analyticalopportunities. Now, organizations can seize the perfect moment to makeimpactful decisions, all thanks to our dynamic collaboration.


Complete Control Over Pulse Surveys, SickLeave, and Other HR Metrics – All in One Place

The benefits of the integration are numerous: You gain a perfect overview without having to log into multiple different interfaces, and with automatic synchronization between the systems, you can rely on your data continuously being updated and accurate. But that's not all; the solution also paves the wayfor new methods of correlating various types of key metrics – which, in turn, can lead to valuable insights.



– The significant advantage is that you can gather data and graphs from both pulse surveys and different types of HR metrics, such as sick leave and employee turnover, all in one interface. When employee well-being is juxtaposed withother metrics, that's when it truly becomes intriguing.

 The integration will be released in its initial version in September 2023 and will continuously evolve with new functionality. Ready to get started? Contact us, and we'll tell you more!

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About Winningtemp

Winningtempis a Swedish innovation company with a clear ambition to create well-being andeffective organizations. Based on 600 scientific studies, the AI-based platformhelps HR teams and leaders visualize employees' work situations in real-timeand proactively act on insights that strengthen employee engagement. Today,Winningtemp delivers measurable change to over 1,200 companies in more than 20countries. 


Interested in Winningtemp?

If you want to learn more about how Winningtemp can help you improve your employee engagement, why not have a look at our tool in action?