Press Release

Winningtemp Now Available on SAP® Store

Date Published:
January 25, 2024
Winningtemp Now Available on SAP® Store

Stockholm — 17th January — Winningtemp today announced that its Winningtemp Team Success Platform | Winningtemp AB ( is now available on SAP® Store, the online marketplace for SAP and partner offerings. Winningtemp integrates with SAP SuccessFactors and delivers live employee sentiment data to customers.

“We are thrilled to combine Winningtemp's innovative approach to employee well-being and SAP SuccessFactors' industry-leading HR solutions. We are poised to empower organizations with the tools and insights needed to foster a culture of productivity, resilience, and sustained success. Together, we look forward to reshaping the future of work and providing unparalleled value to our clients worldwide”, says Jacob Österberg, VP Corporate Development.  

AI-powered and science-based Winningtemp supports leaders in creating winning teams and healthy organizations. With the help of smart pulse surveys leaders can easier listen to their team’s needs and gain actionable insights that aim to boost their teams' engagement, and lower stress levels and employee turnover.

SAP Store, found at, delivers a simplified and connected digital customer experience for finding, trying, buying and renewing more than 2,300 solutions from SAP and its partners. There, customers can find the SAP solutions and SAP-validated solutions they need to grow their business. And for each purchase made through SAP Store, SAP will plant a tree.  

Winningtemp is a partner in the SAP PartnerEdge® program. The SAP PartnerEdge program provides the enablement tools, benefits and support to facilitate building high-quality, disruptive applications focused on specific business needs – quickly and cost-effectively.  

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  • Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
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About Winningtemp

The team success platform, Winningtemp, creates winning teams and healthy organizations by listening to employees and empowering leaders with relevant insights and actions leading to clear, measurable results.

Created together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the cutting-edge solution is based on science, fuelled by data, and driven by AI. Winningtemp helps organisations across the globe make smart, proactive decisions to boost teams' engagement, and decrease stress levels and employee turnover.

Interested in Winningtemp?

If you want to learn more about how Winningtemp can help you improve your employee engagement, why not have a look at our tool in action?

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