Guided temperature meetings

Lead your team towards success using our interactive temperature meetings. An easy way to discuss temperature scores, commit to solutions and follow up on the progress - with zero preparation and 100% engagement!

Loved by users on G2 and Capterra

Empowering teams anywhere

Our Guided Temperature Meetings, enable managers to track and follow up on their team’s temperatures on a frequent basis - showing that they really care about their team’s feedback and well-being.

All that’s needed is one screen for the manager, and employee access through computers or mobiles. A perfect setup for partly or fully remote teams.

Framework for the win

PING! That’s our platform sharing the agenda with chosen temperatures and questions to discuss.

Once the meeting has started, the framework based on the appreciative inquiry approach guides the participants through the meeting. Sparking meaningful and productive discussions of how the team can improve collaboration and reach their goals together has never been easier!

Why use guided temperature meetings?


The agenda is chosen based on the team's highest and lowest temperature scores


The entire team decides goals and sets commitments together


The product assists managers to frequently follow up on feedback and results


The setup enables honest 2-way communication focusing on collaboration and growth

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