Temperature checks for true team success

Keep track of how employees feel about their work situation. Our 20 different categories helps each team each to easily spot areas they’re performing greatly and where they need to put in extra work.

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What’s a temperature?

The temperatures were developed together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University. A temperature measures one specific area that affects organisations’ biggest challenges; employee engagement, employee turnover or sick leave.

Standard categories

With our standard categories you’ll understand what your employees want and need to stay happy, motivated and loyal.


This category is about job control and influence. Do employees feel that they can make their own decisions regarding their work situation?


This category describe to what extent the employees feel engaged at work. Does their job bring out the best in them? Do they feel that the company they are working for is the best possible employer for them?

Job Satisfaction

This category reveals if employees enjoy their tasks, if they are having fun at work, and if they are motivated and energised. In short: Are the employees happy and satisfied?


This category is all about how employees perceive their leaders when it comes to trust, cooperation, communication, feedback, and support.


This category shows the employees' inner feelings about their job and if it positively affects society. Do employees feel that their job is meaningful to them?


This category reveals if your employees feel they learn from each other, get informed and are able to influence decisions made by their department.

Personal Development

This category reveals if employees feel they learn new things. Do they get the learning and development opportunities they need in order to be able to do a good job?

Team Spirit

This category includes collaboration, communication, and respect. And if the employees feel that they, as a team, work well together and learn from each other.

Work Situation

This category includes questions about stress and if the employees feel that they have the right conditions to be able to do a good job. Questions about bullying, harassment, and discrimination are included in this category too. 

Supplementary categories

Enhance your scope for a more complete picture of employee experience by adding our supplemental categories.


This category reveals employees' attitudes and behaviours, and how loyal they are towards the company and job. Do they think that their company’s values are similar to their own?

Cross-functional collaboration

This category is about interacting with people and resources outside one's normal area of activity. Do employees communicate with colleagues outside of their own unit or department?

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

This category explains how equal and inclusive the employees perceive the company to be. Does their company make an effort to recruit a diverse workforce, in terms of ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation?


This category describes employees’ perception of the organisation’s ability to develop or improve new products, ideas and processes. Do their company culture promote experimentation and risk-taking?

Person– job fit

This category explains the degree to which a person’s knowledge, skills, abilities, needs and values match job requirements. Do employees feel that they have the opportunity to use their skills in their current role?

Psychological safety

This category describes employees’ belief that the workplace is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. Do they feel it is okay to make mistakes in their team?


This category describes how well employees take ownership of their personal development and initiative to solve challenges. When a problem arises at work, are employees active in trying to solve it?

Subjective well-being

This category refers to the cognitive evaluation and emotional balance that employees make of their lives. Do they regularly experience positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and love in their job?


This category explains a collective term for different types of sustainability; social, ecological and economic. Do employees feel that your company cares about their quality of life?


This category describes the extent to which organisational information (for example finances, governance, operations and culture) are available, honest and understandable to employees.


This category describes to what degree employees believe their manager and C-level leaders are honest, skilled and have good motives. Do they feel confident that management treats them fairly?

Insights that matters

Tracking temperatures is great, but we have more. Our platform transforms and analyses feedback in more ways that help leaders and teams to collaborate, communicate and innovate.