5 Levels of Employee Engagement

When it comes to employee engagement, there are five distinct levels. Each level builds on the previous one and represents a different level of commitment from your employees.

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This is your guide to the levels of employee engagement and tactics you can use to raise your team's engagement level.

In this guide, you'll learn about the five levels of employee engagement and find resources you can use to raise your team's level of engagement.

The first step in improving employee engagement is understanding what it is. Employee engagement can be defined as "the degree to which an employee identifies with the organisation and its goals, values, expectations and behaviour."

It's important because it has a huge impact on how productive your team members are, so it's crucial that you keep them engaged.

If you want to boost your company culture, start by identifying which level your employees are at now.

1. Strongly engaged employees

Strongly Engaged employees are the most engaged. Strongly Engaged employees not only feel committed to the organisation but also feel their work is important and that they can make a difference. They tend to be supportive of their organisation's mission and goals; willing to work beyond expectations; more creative in problem solving; more satisfied with their jobs and more likely to stay at the company.

Strongly Engaged employees are the most engaged.

●     They believe their contributions are valued by management,

●     They feel as though they can make a difference at work, and

●     They have a strong sense of purpose and feel connected to your organisation’s goals.

These are your rockstars, the employees who have created a personal connection with your business. They go out of their way to contribute to the work that they do and that makes them happy to be in the workplace. These employees will buy-in to a larger vision of the company, and they are usually the ones who recruit new employees because they enjoy their work environment and they want others to benefit from it as well.

2. Mildly engaged

At this stage, staff have a good relationship with your organisation.

Even though they hold positive opinions they’re not equally enthusiastic about meeting company objectives. They’re comfortable with where they’re currently at and satisfied with how things are going.

●     They’re not super interested in what they do

●     They don't really care about the company

●      These employees are less likely to take on new challenges

3. Somewhat engaged

Somewhat engaged professionals have little interest in their workplace. That said, they’re not as willing to go the extra mile as a strongly and mildly engaged employees would. They do what’s expected of them without pushing themselves every so often. Many people who work at this level will disengage over time as well if they don't feel like their needs are being met by staying at this level.

●     They’re not committed to work to a high standard

●     They usually only do the minimum work that’s required

The best way to keep your somewhat engaged employees is to understand how to engage them more. This is where reading on building a culture of feedback can become handy. Here's our feedback guide for you to get kickstarted.

4. Not engaged

These workers don’t participate or contribute much unless it’s absolutely necessary. These employees might just be going through the motions to get a pay check.

With these colleagues, there’s no passion or motivation to put the effort in. They’re not emotionally invested to do their best. So, it’s not uncommon to see them underperforming and behind schedule.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean you can’t motivate an unmotivated employee.

Understanding and measuring employee engagement can be a challenge, and with this in mind, we listed the most common misconceptions of employee engagement here.

5. Disengaged

Disengaged employees hold negative views and sabotage the company culture. Disengaged employees are the group that most companies want to eliminate, but they're also the group with the highest potential for improvement.

At this point, they strongly dislike the job and organisation they work for. Since they’re not fulfilled or satisfied with how things are going, they likely have other plans in mind in terms of what to do with their careers.

Want to learn more on employee engagement? Read our complete guide on Employee Engagement.


If you want to learn more about how Winningtemp can help you improve your employee engagement, why not have a look at our tool in action?