
Unlocking the secrets to a high performing team in 2024

January 17, 2024
Unlocking the secrets to a high performing team in 2024

Everywhere you look right now there’s talk of goal setting, resolutions, positive mindsets and habits that’s all bundled up into the ways to achieve, thrive, and succeed in 2024.

It’s a lot to take in. So let’s cut through some of the noise and show you the easiest, simplest ways you can do to build team success.

But why is it important? Sure, when it comes to employee engagement and employee experience, there’s been some big positive shifts since the pandemic. But burnout, disengagement, and high employee turnover are still very real problems we know you’re facing.

Just look at the figures; according to a study referenced by Forbes, 57% of workers are experiencing “at least” moderate burnout, often made worse by stress in the workplace, less than half believe their employer cares about their mental health needs, and 60% say they are somewhat likely to look for a new job in 2024.

But, fear not, it’s not all doom and gloom. By working a little smarter, making some small changes, and fully committing to the wellbeing of your team, you’ll not only be laying the foundations for soaring employee satisfaction, you’ll be building the perfect platform for long term business success.

So, with that in mind, how do you create an awesome and high performing team? Here’s where to get started:

1. Embrace Meaningful Work

One of the cornerstones of a high-performing team is ensuring that each member finds their work meaningful. Do your team members feel a sense of purpose in what they do? Connecting individual tasks to the broader goals of the company is more than just a motivational tactic—it's a strategic move that brings a plethora of benefits. Learn how to make every task resonate with purpose and witness the positive impact on engagement and performance. 

You can discover more about how to make your work meaningful here.

2. Put Feedback First

Just as an athlete seeks guidance from a coach to enhance their performance or a restaurant owner values customer feedback to refine their offerings, teams thrive on constructive input.

Feedback serves as the compass guiding growth and acts as the cornerstone of improvement. However, the true magic lies not just in offering feedback but in following it up. Neglecting this crucial step can have dire consequences, leading to a decline in trust, a decrease in honesty, and the emergence of a toxic workplace culture. Organizations that embrace a culture of continuous feedback, follow-up, and improvement, on the other hand, witness increased engagement, higher retention rates, and a positive, innovative work environment. 

Check out the most effective ways to follow up on your team’s feedback.

3. Foster Trust and Belief

Trust is the glue that holds a high-performing team together. Whether you're a small startup, a multinational corporation, a government agency, or a non-profit organisation, the ability to build and regain organisational trust is paramount to your long-term success.

You need to make sure your employees feel other people are fair and keep their promises. Research clearly states that high trust leads to positive business results. Therefore, there’s a good chance employees work harder when they feel more trust in the organisation and its leaders, feel they are an important part of the organisation, and understand and appreciate the organisation's value.

Download our guide on how to regain organisational trust to find out more!

4. Be Real

Your team wants a manager they can relate to, who understands them, and who looks out for them. The best way to do this is by being real. Be your authentic self in the workplace. Be a person your employees trust, respect, and value.

If you do this, it makes culture and communication so much easier. It builds connections and integrity. People respond to people and an empathetic manager or team leader will win the hearts and minds of their team far easier than someone who is indifferent or doesn’t care.

And be interested in your team! By being open and curious you can find out about their team, what they like, what they dislike, what inspires them, what their vision is, what matters to them, and so much more. By caring about the person and taking an active interest in their lives, you lay the foundations for strong and successful relationships.

Read more how HR can help to develop better managers.

5. Don’t Forget The Fun

Bringing an element of fun into the workplace is a crucial ingredient for cultivating high-performing teams. When employees enjoy their work and find it engaging, it contributes significantly to job satisfaction and overall team morale. A fun work environment fosters a positive atmosphere where team members are motivated, collaborative, and more willing to go the extra mile. It not only reduces stress but also enhances creativity and innovation as employees feel encouraged to think outside the box. 

Furthermore, a workplace that values enjoyment and camaraderie builds strong interpersonal relationships among team members, creating a sense of belonging and loyalty. 

As individuals feel a genuine sense of joy in their tasks, they become more invested in the collective success of the team, ultimately boosting productivity, efficiency, and the overall performance of the team. In the competitive landscape of today, where collaboration and adaptability are paramount, making work enjoyable is not just a perk but a strategic necessity for achieving and sustaining high performance.

Check out our stress-busting tips for healthy, happier teams!

Let's sum it up

These points are just the start. We’d encourage you to build on them in the year ahead - this to bring positive energy into the workplace everyday to help your employees and your company thrive. For more tips and tricks of how to build true team success, download our handbook here.

And it also pays to find tools to help. Tools like Winningtemp are like your trusty co-pilot; they’ll steer you in the right direction, give you the information you need to make better decisions, and help you take your employee engagement to the next level. 

See it action and make 2024 the year your team success lifts off.

Book a demo

About the author

Focusing on people

If you are interested in finding out more about what Winningtemp can offer your organisation get in contact with our sales team.